UV Test Strips

www.ats-sa.co.za - Consumables - IR&UV - UV Test StripsUV Test Strips are simple, reliable, and easy to use indicators of accumulated UV light dosage. They are the first product that can be used to determine levels of UV dose with a simple, visual inspection due to the 5 separate colour changing zones. Each of the 5 zones begin to change colour after a specific amount of UV dose has been received. First the “1” zone begins turning from yellow to blue. Then each subsequent colour zone starts to change colours when its specific chemistry has received the proper amount of UV to activate its colour change.

The test strips measure UV doses from 0mJ/cm² to greater than 5,000mJ(5J)/cm². As well, due to their paper-thin profile and thermal stability, they can be used in all applications where a radiometer is not possible, including Web printing, Sheet Fed printing, Exposure Verification of exposed products, 3-D curing, and personal UV exposure level testing.

As well, a comparative dose chart for the strips is included in each package. With this chart, each tested strip can be correlated to the millijoule range of UV energy that each colour pattern represents.


  • UV Test Strips measure the entire UV spectrum
  • Accurate visual determination of UV dose made possible
  • Monitor UV dose in difficult-to-access curing environments
  • Detect UV lamp degradation and equipment failures
  • Provide the user with periodic assurance that their UV source is performing to expectations
  • Greater rate of colour change provides clearer, more precise UV dose determination
  • Determine the dose profile in the 3D curing chambers or across wide webs to ensure even cure
  • Measure the dose of sunlight in outdoor curing applications
  • Evaluate and compare multiple UV light sources
  • Can be used to monitor pathogen reduction techniques
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